Sunday, September 30, 2012

Web Assignment #2

1. A daguerreotype was the first photographic process that was commonly successful. Its surface resembles a mirror. The daguerreotype, which was prominent in 1837, replaced the camera obscura.
2. An albumen print was the first method of using negatives to produce a photographic print on a paper base. The main ingredient of this process was albumen, found in egg whites. It was a popular process until it was replaced by the carte de visite.
3. A stereograph could create the illusion of depth by recording three dimensional  visual information. They were most popular in the early 1900s.
4. The carte de visite was a small type of photograph that reduced production costs and made it easier to make multiple copies. They were popular during the American Civil War because family members had a way of inexpensively taking and sending photographs to each other.
5. Matthew Brady, an American photographer, and Alexander Gardner, a Scottish photographer, both documented the Civil War. 

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